Acerlux — Veterinary services with compassionate professionalism — is a website designed and written by veterinarian
Dr. Christopher Lee for pet owners. It covers a variety of topics, including veterinary information relating to clinical signs, diseases, important pet risks and more.
Animal Connection is dedicated to bringing awareness to animal organizations and charities, while educating the public on animal issues. Animal Connection, the show, is another way for us to get our information dispersed, but in a fun and entertaining way.
The College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University is a leader in academic and clinical veterinary medicine. The world-class research facilities with recognized strengths in the physical and life sciences have contributed to the Cornell fabric since the founding of the university.
Jake's Doghouse is committed to providing you with fun and specialty dog & cat items for your cool pet. Treats, Toys, Collars Leashes & more.

Mar Vista Animal
Medical Center — Their practice philosophy includes not only the finest pet care but
the finest pet care education services to their clients and community. Be sure to check out the
Pet Web Library, where they provide informational materials on some of the most common medical concerns of pet dogs & cats. It is an excellent reference resource.

Merck Veterinary Manual (MVM) has served veterinarians and other animal health professionals as a concise and reliable animal health reference for over 45 years. The Merck Veterinary Manual Online is published on a nonprofit basis through a cooperative effort of Merck & Co, Inc. and Merial Limited as a free service to the veterinary profession.
Westlab Pharmacy, in Gainesville, Florida, specializes in compounding prescriptions and natural products, to promote wellness. They also provide home infusion therapy and veterinary product preparation. Let them help solve your medication problems.